AMALAKI is an Organic Ayurveda Supplement
Daily Contribution Of Antioxidants Great natural source of vitamin C Stimulates the Immune System Free of transgenics
Amalaki (Phyllanthus Emblica) provides a natural source of vitamin C that is easily digestible and assimilable, being one of the main sources of vitamin C in nature. The properties of this wonderful fruit help promote a healthy immune system. Amalaki, also known as Amla, is a traditional Ayurvedic product from India. Used for thousands of years, it is one of the most important herbs in Ayurvedic medicine. Amalaki has been used traditionally in Ayurveda to provide rejuvenation and as a general health tonic.
Amalaki is a small tree native to tropical Southeast Asia, including India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and Malaysia. This tree bears a small round fruit approximately 2-5cm in diameter of a bright greenish-yellow colour. It has an extremely sour taste. In India, when they eat it raw, they usually add a bit of salt and chili ;)
Amalaki is a strong natural antioxidant that contains high levels of vitamin C. That's one of the reasons it's a powerful immune system booster. Amalaki provides support and nutrition to the digestive tract, arteries, and liver. The healing properties of amla extend to all tissues. It also has the ability to increase ojas, which means it increases energy, immunity, and fertility. Although it is appropriate for all doshas, it is particularly effective in balancing Pitta, relieving heat, inflammation, and burning throughout the body. Its cleansing and nourishing properties help to purify the blood, reconstitute tissues after injuries or illnesses, improve eyesight and alleviate allergies. Amalaki stimulates digestion and absorption and fights gastric ulcers, heartburn, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, gastritis, colitis and hemorrhoids. 5 of the 6 Essential Tastes: Amalaki is well known among Ayurveda practitioners for being the only food that contains five of the six essential tastes (rasas): sour, sweet, bitter, pungent, and astringent. It lacks only the salty taste. This is a valuable property, because in Ayurveda, a balanced diet must contain all six flavors at every meal to create optimal health.
Antioxidant and rejuvenating
refreshing and nutritious
Protector of the liver
Hypoglycemic and lowers cholesterol
Digestive, laxative and diuretic
Ayurvedic flavor Sweet, sour, pungent, bitter, astringent
Recommended dose of Amalaki 2 capsules 1 or 2 times a day Amalaki precautions
In pregnancy and lactation consult your doctor before